UI/UX Designer


Transforming brand perception for one of India’s largest lifestyle conglomerates.

Role : Ideate | Wireframe  | Visual design | Overlook HTML & Development 
Duration : April 2017 - Oct 2018
Client : Arvind Limited
Team : Armaiti Irani (Project manager), Aayushi Bhotica (UI/UX)


Founded in 1931, Arvind Limited is one of the biggest textile manufacturers.

With the accessibility of web today, an online presence has become a key decision driver for most of the younger workforce to choose a company to work in. Through a survey conducted, it was found that Arvind lacked recognition and brand recall  amongst the younger generation and faced a challenge of not standing out as the popular choice of workplace. Being over 80 years old, Arvind Limited has moved far beyond just working with traditional textiles. However, it wasn’t recognised for the same and was associated with being more of a complacent family business v/s an innovating company.

As a part of Schbang Digital Solutions, I was asked to reimagine and design the new brand ethos of Arvind; ‘Fashioning Possibilities’. This would be used as the base for the following 12 websites which were to be designed as a continuation of this project.




Being aware of the habits our target demographic was crucial to our understanding of the problem space. We took a survey of 42 individuals between 21-35 years of age who have prior work experience and asked them the key factors they considered while applying for a job, besides remuneration. 


A. Company Vision

Users are inspired by & appreciate a company that is willing to share it’s vision with them. They want to feel involved & empowered.

B. People

People are interested in working with colleagues who they admire and not only want to emulate but also enjoy working with.



Problem Statement

How might we design a platform for Arvind Limited to
invoke the emotion of ‘Fashioning Possibilities’

in order to inspire and attract the new age workforce with a
changed perception about the company ?







An engaging interface that inspires the emotion of ‘Fashioning Possibilities’, via sharing of human centred stories, promoting technology advancement and that has a contemporary voice which will build and expand on Arvind Limited’s already established reputation.

sitemap + problem statement1-01.png



Visual Design

In collaboration with a branding team, I was responsible to define how it would translate into the digital space. The line was used as a visual tool in print which extended well for digital too. Forward moving lines are metaphorically used. They represent the adaptability, fluidity and progressive nature of Arvind Limited. You will never see the lines moving backwards. Animation and interactions play a key component in bringing the story to life. 

line animation 1.1.gif


Key Features


Engaging Loader

Arvind Limited’s audience comes from various stratas of society across the globe. With varying internet speeds, having an engaging loader was crucial.

Load website Transition

Arvind’s Timeline

Visually depicting the companies history to highlight its growth and innovation using a contemporary and progressive tone.


Stories of how people in Arvind are fashioning

possibilities, everyday.

A page dedicated to inspiring stories on how Arvind is ‘Fashioning Possibilities’ today. A swift navigation helps the user move from one story to another with ease, reducing the drop off rate and thus increasing engagement.


I have worked with Aayushi on my first ever website project- the corporate website of Arvind Limited. It was an important project given the fact that we were about to tell the world our story for the first ever time. Given this situation, working with Aayushi was a blessing. She is an extremely talented designer who builds logic and user experience into design very seamlessly. She has worthy recommendations and will ensure we do not end up taking incorrect design calls in the typical client quest of adding anything and everything. She has been extremely dedicated throughout the project and I believe anyone who works with her will have the same amazing, seamless and great quality experience as I had, as her client.
— Drashti Buch ( Senior Manager - Arvind Limited )



This project has been a visually stimulating experience. Pitching and explaining designs to a group of non-designers, in a board room filled with individuals twice my age has not been easy.


Collaboratively working with developers is just as

crucial as your design

A huge number of hours were spent with developers to ensure the design was developed just as it was envisioned. From regular testing on several resolutions to interaction experimentations, I felt lucky to have gotten an opportunity to work on this project.

Designing a successful interface is more than just the

design itself!

We had to spend a lot of time working and reviewing the content written along with the photography. This helped to ensure it was in sync with our design approach. Moodboards helped unite the team to ensure communication unity.
